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Paris Asian Chamber Orchestra

10 août 2012

Music Director (Korean Profile)



지휘자 김예훈은 프랑스 베르사유 국립음악원(실내악), 디종 국립음악원(오케스트라지휘), 파리 국립음악원(합창지휘)에서 디플롬과 미국 서던 일리노이 주립대학에서 전액장학생으로 오케스트라 지휘 석사학위를 취득하였다. 특히 디종 국립음악원에서는 파리 고등국립음악원(CNSM) 교수를 역임한 저명한 지휘교수 Jean-Sebastian Bereau를 사사하며 “그의 지휘는 모든 것을 말한다”는 찬사와 함께 유례없이 두 가지 과정(CFEM, DEM)을 동시에 통과, 오케스트라 지휘과정을 심사위원 만장일치로 1등 졸업하였다. 


2005년 정명훈에 의해 ‘5인의 젊은 지휘자’ (Incheon & Arts Academy Workshop)에 선정되어 인천시향을 지휘하며 정명훈과 아릴 레머라이트의 지도를 받았고 뛰어난 지휘테크닉을 가졌다는 평을 얻기도 하였다. 2006년 한국과 일본이 정치적 문제로 첨예하게 대립하고 있을 당시 프랑스 파리에서 양국의 젊은 연주자들로 구성된 파리 아시안 챔버 오케스트라 (Paris Asian Chamber Orchestra)를 창단하여 음악을 통한 평화의 메시지를 전달하였고 이들의 연주는 국내외 언론의 주목을 받았다. 


2007년 미국 서던 일리노이 심포니 오케스트라와 서던 일리노이 음악 페스티벌의 협력지휘자(Associate Conductor)로 발탁되어 미국으로 활동무대로 옮긴 후 시카고 챔버 오케스트라 객원지휘, 알톤 심포니 오케스트라 음악감독 최종후보 선정, Marjorie Lawrence 오페라단과 푸치니의 ‘쟈니스키키’로 오페라 지휘 데뷔 등 활발한 활동으로 그 실력을 인정받았다. 



2011년 국내로 활동무대를 옮긴 후 오케스트라를 통한 청소년 음악교육에 깊은 관심을 가지기 시작하였고 “오케스트라의 소리를 만들어가는 과정은 ‘나’만을 고집하는 것이 아닌 ‘우리’라는 공동체 안에서 남의 소리를 듣고, 같이 어울릴 수 있어야 하는 것이며 이런 체험은 청소년들의 인격형성에 긍정적인 영향으로 작용한다” 라는 신념을 가지고 청소년 오케스트라 교육에 열정을 쏟고 있다. 현재 선화예술고등학교 오케스트라, 갈보리 유스 오케스트라, 정자초등학교 오케스트라를 이끌고 있으며 특히 정자초등학교 오케스트라는 2011년과 2012년 서울교대 전국아동음악경연대회에서 2년연속 우승이라는 쾌거를 이루기도 했다. 


W 필하모닉 오케스트라, 서울대학교 신포니에타, 대명 페스티벌 오케스트라 등의 객원지휘자로도 활동 중이며 총신대학교 콘서바토리에서 지휘 전공생들을 지도하고 있다. 2013년에는 런던심포니, 프랑스국립오케스트라 등 현재 세계 각지에서 활동중인 파리 아시안 챔버 오케스트라 멤버들과 다시 모여 양국의 평화를 위한 음악회를 한국과 일본에서 개최하기 위해 준비 중이다.  

(Korean updated as of Nov. 2012) 



24 mai 2011

ASO debuts season with new conductor and special tribute



ALTON — Celebrating its 65th season, the Alton Symphony Orchestra will hold this season’s performances at Alton High School’s new, state-of-the-art auditorium.

The first of the four scheduled concerts will take place on Saturday, Oct. 24, at 8 p.m., with each concert featuring a different guest conductor. These four conductors are, in essence, auditioning to fill the vacancy left by Maestro Edward Dolbashian, who retired last year.

For the October concert, Yehun Kim will conduct the Orchestra’s performance of "Beethoven’s Finest." The ASO will perform Beethoven’s 7th Symphony, noted as "one of the most perfect symphonies ever written."

Kim is the assistant conductor with the Southern Illinois Symphony and a graduate-conducting student at Southern Illinos University Carbondale. This symphony also is one of Kim’s favorite pieces of music.

"The program consists of three masterpieces on which I focus three senses of music," Kim said. "Triumph over difficulty in Sibelius’ ‘Finlandia,’ passion in Bizet’s ‘Carmen Suite,’ and banquet of all senses for me, ASO, and the public in Beethoven’s Symphony Number Seven. I’m really enjoying rehearsals with ASO, and their pure passion for the music makes a deep impression on me."

October’s concert is dedicated in memory of Ella Pfeiffenberger Anschuetz, a lifelong Alton resident and ASO harpist for many years. Anschuetz died this summer at the age of 93.

"The music is challenging, and we are fortunate to have Yehun Kim as our guest conductor," ASO President Jerre Honke. "Maestro Kim pours all his energy into each rehearsal, and the orchestra has responded to his expert direction and enthusiasm by giving him our best."

Following the intermission, select members of the orchestra will join Amy Conrady Camie on harp to play the theme from Howard Hanson’s Symphony No. 2 "Romantic" in memory of Anschuetz.

"The piece was arranged ‘by permission of the composer’ when J. Mather Pfeiffenberger, Ella’s father, asked the composer for an arrangement of the theme for his family’s orchestra," Honke said. "Ella attended Interlochen Arts Camp during Hanson’s years there in the ’30s."

The ensemble also will play "Spring Song," written by Alton composer William Dawson Armstrong for Anschuetz and her sister, Mary Pfeiffenberger, who was a flautist.

More than 50 Pfeiffenberger and Anschuetz family members are expected to attend the concert.

The orchestra will host a reception for each of the four guest conductors immediately after each concert to allow the orchestra’s patrons to meet each conductor and help in deciding who will be ASO’s music director, beginning next season.

Other guest conductors will include William Shane Williams for the "Holiday with Tchaikovsky" concert scheduled in December, Leon Burke III for February’s "New World Symphony" concert, and David Peek for the "Young Artists Presentation" in April.

"The person selected should fit as both the best music director for the orchestra, as well as one who relates best to our audience," Honke said. "Each musician and listener shares a rare and precious gift when together they create an experience, not possible without each other.

"This is a very exciting time for the Alton Symphony Orchestra — the start of new traditions for us and our audiences, as well," she said. "We are excited about our new venue; the Auditorium at Alton High School is a perfect setting for our performances."

Season tickets cost $54 for adults, $45 for seniors 62 and over, $15 for students from kindergarten through 12th grade, and free to Alton High School and Lewis and Clark Community College students with a valid student ID. Tickets can be purchased online at, or by calling the ASO at (618) 467-2326. Tickets also are available at Halpin Music in Alton, Duke Bakery on Henry Street in Alton, at Dick’s Flowers in Alton and Wood River, and also can be purchased at the door.

25 octobre 2010

rehearsal with Alton Symphony Orchestra, USA



Yehun Kim rehearses Alton Symphony Orchestra (IL, USA)

10 septembre 2010

Directeur Musical


Yehun Kim was born in Seoul, South Korea, where he began the study of violin at the age of 6. He received his Bachelor of Music from Kyungwon University, where he studied conducting with Kyung-Soo Won, the Music Director of the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra and the Stockton (California) Symphony.


Continuing his studies in France, Yehun received a chamber music prize from the Versailles National Conservatory and a unanimous 1st prize in conducting from the Dijon National Conservatory, where he studied with Jean-Sébastien Bereau, the former professor of CNSM de Paris. Yehun was selected as one of five young conductors for the Incheon & Arts Music Festival (Korea) by Festival founder, Myung-Whun Chung and studied with him. He has also studied at the Paris Conservatory with Patrik Marco, music director of the Maitrise de Paris and choral conductor of the Orchestre de Colonne. While in Paris, Kim founded and served as Music Director of the Paris Asian Chamber Orchestra, which is formed by young talented musicians in Europe.


In 2007, He moved to United States with family and served as an associate conductor of Southern Illinois Symphony Orchestra and Music Festival. He also played as a principal second violin chair of those orchestras. In 2010, Yehun earned his Master’s Degree in Orchestral Conducting at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale and was named a finalist for Music Director of the Alton Symphony Orchestra. In 2011, he will be appeared as an assistant conductor at world-renowned ‘Colorado MahlerFest’ which was bestowed International Gustav Mahler Society Gold Medal in 2005. He is currently joined the Longmont Symphony Orchestra as an conductor & violin player in Colorado where he lives with his wife, Sunyoung Lee, a pianist, and their son, Daniel. (English updated as of Aug. 2010) 



Yehun KIM est né à séoul, Corée du sud. Il a commencé le violon et entré au Kyungwon University college of Music. Il commence à travailler la direction d’orchestre avec M. Kyung-Soo Won alors directeur musical de Séoul Philharmonic Orchestra.

Arrivé en France, il a reçu un prix de musique de chambre au CNR de Versailles, un 1er prix de direction d'orchestre à l'unanimité au CNR de Dijon chez M. Jean-Sébastien BEREAU. Il a été sélectionné pour diriger au festival Incheon and Arts fondé par M. Myung-Whun CHUNG, et a étudie avec ce dernier ainsi qu’avec M. Aril Rammereit. Actuellement il fait ses études au CNR de Paris chez Patrik Marco, directeur de la Maîtrise de paris et chef de chœur de l’orchestre Colonne(French updated as of Aug. 2007)



韓国ソウル生まれ。幼い頃からヴァイオリンを始め、キュンウォン大学に学ぶ。指揮をソウルフィルハーモニーオーケストラの指揮者であるキョンスー・ウォン氏に師事。渡仏後、ヴェルサイユ地方音楽院で室内楽のプリミエプリを、ディジョン音楽院で指揮をJ.P.ヴェロ氏に学び、満場一致の最優秀の成績で修了。その他、チョン・ミュンフン氏によるインチョン音楽祭に選ばれて参加。現在は、パリ音楽院でP.マルコ氏に師事。オーケストラ・コロンヌの合唱指揮者. (Japanese updated as of Aug. 2007)



3 avril 2010

Yehun Kim conducts Southern Illinois Symphony Orchestra


Conductor: Yehun Kim
Southern Illinois Symphony Orchestra

Shryock Auditorium, Illinois (U.S.A) 
March 2, 2010

1 avril 2010

Yehun with Southern Illinois Symphony


Conductor: Yehun Kim
Piano: Sally Wang
Southern Illinois Symphony Orchestra

Shryock Auditorium, Illinois (U.S.A) 
March 2, 2010


17 février 2010

Grieg - Holberg Suite, Gavotte/Musette


Paris Asian Chamber Orchestra 
Direction YEHUN KIM

Oratoire du Louvre 
3 Avril 2007


17 février 2010

Grieg - Holberg Suite, Rigaudon

Paris Asian Chamber Orchestra 
Direction YEHUN KIM

Oratoire du Louvre 
3 Avril 2007


16 avril 2009

Baber - Adagio for Strings

Paris Asian Chamber Orchestra
Direction YEHUN KIM

Oratoire du Louvre
3 Avril 2007


14 février 2008

Dvorak - Serenade Op.22, Moderato

Paris Asian Chamber Orchestra 
Direction YEHUN KIM

Oratoire du Louvre
3 Avril 2007

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Paris Asian Chamber Orchestra
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